Hi ,
Please take note that construction has begun on Shevchenko Blvd. We ask that you kindly enter by Shevchenko Blvd and exit by the BACK of the parking lot onto Sylvester street.
Please take note that construction has begun on Shevchenko Blvd. We ask that you kindly enter by Shevchenko Blvd and exit by the BACK of the parking lot onto Sylvester street.
Sunday Service: Heart Prep
Series: Gideon - The Making of a Mighty Warrior
Message: Blowing a trumpet
Speaker: Pastor Paul Lasanté
This Sunday, we return to our series on The Making of a Mighty Warrior—Gideon! In our story, we come to the place where Gideon begins “blowing a trumpet” to signal to his family and, later on, the whole country, that it was time to step out and have an influence for God. After reading Judges 6:27-35, take a look at the following questions:
- Our generation is often taken up with a cause of some kind. Can you identify a difference between modern activism and the type of activism that God calls us to?
- Can you make a list of things that God would be passionate about in the world today?
- Are you passionate for at least one of these things? If so, how does your passion express itself by the way that you live your life?
VBS - Registration begins this Sunday!
Parents and kids, save the date for this year's VBS taking place August 7th to 11th. Registrations begin this Sunday after both services. Come see us at our registration table by the entrance doors. Simply be on the lookout for balloons![]()
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